What words do we speak when we are so shocked and devastated that there are no words?
Here are some contemporary prayers for peace at the horrific time of loss:
The Prayer of the Mothers by Sheikha Ibtisam Mahameed and Rabba Tamar Elad-Appelbaum
Rebbe Nachman’s Prayer for Peace
A Prayer for Israel in Times of War Rabbi Naomi Levy
Truah Prayers for Israel by Rabbi Ron Aigen z”l; Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, PhD; Rabbi Sam Feinsmith; Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD; Rabbi David Seidenberg
Statement from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Quote from Hafiz
I have come into the world to see this: The sword drop from people’s hands even at the height of their arc of rage. Because we have finally realized that there is just one flesh we can wound.
And it is ours.
A Prayer by By Joanne Fink