Creative Jewish Art Practice
The Women’s Studio
Mindfulness. Creativity. Connection
Next Jewish Studio Process series starting soon! Be in touch to be notified of the start date.
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via Zoom
Ignite your creativity and access your imagination with the Jewish Studio Process!
We will explore, create, and play through:
- conversation with each other and a text
- a facilitated, intuitive use of art materials, and
- a process of inquiry through writing.
Together, we’ll explore the power of this practice to access inner wisdom and insight, strengthen our capacity to process what is and imagine what might be, and help us to feel more connected and whole even in moments of transition and uncertainty.
Please note that no background or skill in art is necessary, just a willingness to play and explore! This experience is appropriate for skilled artists and complete beginners.
The goal of the creative process is not to make beautiful works of art — it is to explore our own inner landscape and engage with whatever is present in our minds and hearts through the experience of creativity. We will engage in art as a spiritual practice rather than learning specific techniques. You may use whatever materials you have at home, but you will need:
- Colored pencils, markers, paints (watercolor, acrylic, gouache), &/or pastels
- Unlined paper, journal with blank pages (heavyweight if using paints), or canvas
- If using paints: brushes, water, paper towel/ rag, sponge
- Paper and pen(s) for writing (you may want to use a blank journal for art and writing)
- If you would like more ideas and inspiration for suggested materials, click here.
I have brought the Jewish Studio Process to:
The Academy for Jewish Religion, Los Angeles, CA. Megillot & Creativity semester-long course.
The Brandeis School, San Francisco, CA. Staff Retreat
Cheshbon Cheshvan Clergy Retreat
Congregation Beth El (Reform), Berkeley, CA
Congregation B’nai Tikvah (Reform), Walnut Creek, CA
Congregation Rodef Sholom (Reform), San Rafael, CA
Congregation Shaarey Tikvah (Conservative), Beachwood, OH
Institute for Jewish Spirituality Clergy Alumni Retreat
Jewish Studio Project Alumni Sessions
JCC East Bay Shavuot Tikkun
Kidscreen Summit Children’s Media Executive Conference
Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan Shavuot Tikkun
Middlebury College Hillel, Middlebury, VT
Mount Zion Temple, St Paul, MN, Our Bodies, Our Souls Women’s Retreat
Or Zarua Reconstructionist Congregation, Berkeley, CA
Oshman Family JCC, Palo Alto, CA Israeli & US gap year students
Reconstructing Judaism Shavuot Tikkun
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Wyncote, PA
San Francisco JCC, Staff Training; Grief program
Sharsheret Wisdom of The Heart: Mindfulness Through Art for Cancer Thrivers
UC Berkeley Hillel High Holiday Teshuva Exploration
Some previous JSP session source sheets can be found on:

Some previous JSP session playlists can be found on:

This practice, and specifically Rabbi Margie’s facilitation of this practice, was a gift. All I can say is that it was inexplicably powerful and positive. The combination of structure and freedom, the experience of being in the company of others, getting out of my head and into my heart, of being able to share, or equally important, not — it unlocked something that made Thursday nights my favorite and most sacred night of the week. Margie’s energy — her specific way of leading — was a huge part of this for me. Kind, welcoming, focused, feet on ground, able to connect diverse groups to each other and this powerful practice. Margie feels like the embodiment of ancient wisdom mixed with a modern, relatable approach. Can’t wait to have this experience again and again.
~ Amy, Montclair, NJ
“Rarely have I resonated with Jewish concepts as I do when I listen to Rabbi Margie. I could listen to her all day– her calming, intuitive guidance and her insightful teaching- is a joy to experience. I have been consistently surprised with the insights I am able to receive from my own intuition through this art process. This weekly group, especially during an incredibly difficult time (Covid pandemic and racial injustice) has been a sanctuary for me. I love Margie’s calming, soothing, and grounding meditations. She is uniquely gifted at facilitating conversation that is full of introspection and reflection. Margie carries with her a depth in helping others hold and embrace life’s difficulties and beauty. It has been fun and insightful to build my practice with the Jewish Studio Project which has helped me tap into intuition and perspective.” –Joanna
Margie, I am so immensely grateful for the gift of your Creative Process class these last many months. Thursday evenings, guided by your creativity and wisdom, have been magical. You manage to connect us all through the Zoom screen, and week after week, you bring us to new understandings of Jewish teachings, our selves, and our own creative processes. I am moved and inspired each week–can’t wait to start again!
~ Sharon
This workshop was respite in the middle – in the middle of hard times for our nation, ongoing pandemic worries and the energy required to re-enter the world and community. I feel ready for the work ahead, replenished by the reminder that what I need to do my work is inside of me already. This workshop helped to call it out.- Rabbi Paula Mack Drill, Orangetown Jewish Center, NY
This workshop was lovely! I feel much calmer and a little more grounded compared to before the workshop – no small things! Margie, you have such a lovely presence! You are affirming, validating, and bring a certain kind of calm to the space as you hold it for others. Yasher koach! and thank you. -Rabbi Brown
Living in a small NYC apartment during this pandemic has been very challenging. This program was a life-saver and a “world-opener” for me during the last 8 months. The weekly session was the highlight of my week – I learned so much from the text study, reflection and creative process – it opened up a whole new world of creative expression that I had never pursued before. Rabbi Margie provided a safe and creative space to learn, explore and grow. She “held” our group in a very tender and supportive way. I can’t say enough about this program and how grateful I am to Rabbi Margie!
~ Debbie, New York, NY
Rabbi Jacobs’ … workshop was the kind of innovation and spiritual connection we need from Clergy. This workshop helped me to connect to my creative and expressive sides and feel them from a Jewish and spiritual perspective. Prayer can be so much more than reciting words that others have written. We each have our own creative spark and this workshop helps us to tap into that spark”. –Karmit. St. Paul, MN, Mount Zion Temple
I’ve participated in several of Margie’s Creative Practice series. Margie’s deep Jewish knowledge enhances her teaching of this practice. I look forward to her sessions as a way to connect with myself and the community that is formed, as well as to Jewish wisdom. Margie presents the material in a calm and nurturing way, inviting us to express ourselves freely without judgment. I always discover deeper layers of awareness, and am surprised by what I create. Her classes are the highlight of my week.
~ Rachel, Massachusetts
“I LOVE this course. It is calming, inspiring, communal (but not too communal), and is unlike any other experience I have had. The JSP taps my creativity and instincts. I usually find Zoom experiences to be an energy sap, but this the complete opposite. I look forward to this 90 minutes all week. Margie and Donna have created the most warm and welcoming experience that is both simple and profound. I highly recommend.” -Amy
“Our JSP session is an incredible opportunity for me to leave aside my daily work and participate in something so meaningful and reflective. In these few short weeks, I have gained tremendous insights. I have also committed to a daily creative expression as a means of stress management.” -Debbie
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein (from an interview with George Sylvester Viereck in The Saturday Evening Post, October 26, 1929)
Margie imagines the world. In the darkest of days as well as the bright afternoon sunshine, Margie draws upon a deep spiritual source to bring us together and propel us beyond our own limitations. As a teacher, her quiet demeanor might confuse the casual observer; she is tender in her teaching and also clear-sighted, planful, persevering, encouraging, inspiring. She brings her deep heart-wisdom and book-learning, her boundless curiosity and seasoned vulnerability, her playfulness and passion. Thank you.
~ Susan, Berkeley, CA
“Margie has been a great leader and guide through this process! Our “virtual-community” felt very safe and comfortable – both to share ideas, questions and our art!”
“Since beginning this practice, I have committed to some form of creative expression each day. I have found it so rejuvenating – especially during this pandemic – it has provided me with a great distraction and escape! Thank you to Margie and the JSP for this gift.”
“I enjoyed the art experience, especially the ‘4 rules’ which allowed me to keep going without judgment, and the dialoguing with the work after I finished it, keeping my intentions in mind. Dialoguing was a richer experience than I thought it would be. I also liked the prayer: Blessed are You who created us ‘creative’. All together, the whole experience flowed and was supported by spirituality.
–Pola, St. Paul, MN, Mount Zion Temple